How to Change the Name and URL of a Dynamics 365 or Dataverse Environment

Power x 365 - How to Change the Name and URL of a Dynamics 365 or Dataverse Environment

Dynamics 365 and Dataverse (formerly known as Common Data Service) are integral parts of Microsoft’s cloud offerings. At times, especially during development or after migrations, there’s a need to change the name or URL of the environment. Here’s a step-by-step guide to assist you in this process.

  • Appropriate permissions: You should have the System Administrator or Environment Admin role.
  • Backup: Always back up your data before making significant changes.
Step 1: Access the Power Platform Admin Center
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Step 2: Select the Environment
  • From the left-hand navigation, click on “Environments.”
  • Locate and select the environment whose name or URL you want to modify.
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Step 3: Update the Environment Name
  • Under the “Details” tab, click the “Edit” button.
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  • In the “Edit details” pop-up that appears from the right, edit the Name and URL fields.
  • Review additional details.
  • Click “Save” to apply the changes.
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Step 4: Validate
  • The system will validate and apply the requested changes.
  • Finally, it will be redirected to the Environment details screen.
  • Validate the new Environment Name and URL.
  • Finally, don’t forget to notify your end users and development teams.
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